Opinion: The Joys of Doing

by | Jan 29, 2024 | Opinion

I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the possibilities that bubbled up for you around what making 2024 your year could entail.


The visions felt fresh and adventurous.


Now, we get to translate those desires into tangible action.

And I get it – this vital second step often derails even the most beautifully constructed aspirations.

Motivation fades. Self-doubt creeps in. Perfect planning paralysis kicks our butts.


Given the stats – just 8% of people achieve their New Years goals – we need every edge when building momentum.

Here are 3 main powerful (yet simple) keys used by people who stay on track:


Energy Management

They vigilantly audit activities sapping vital drive versus fuelling it. For example, having a Daily Energy Audit structures your time in terms of energy first, time spent second.


Mindset Recovery

They dedicate small breaks to reset perspective. For example, our Mindful Breathing Break recharges focus in just minutes.


Opportunity Radar

They constantly expand their “luck surface area” to attract positive chance encounters. This strategy uncovers helpful moments.

Just a few of these bitesize actions done daily? That’s tiny habit momentum flipping the stats!

Most people think that New Years goals need grand gestures. You don’t. It’s about focused consistency.

Compound interest works for goals too. Small steps done routinely trump sporadic quantum leaps.


Wishing you an epic start that sparks lasting success ahead!


The Periscope







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